Aum Sai Ram.
I never ever Believed in Miracles or any such Superstitions, but in the past few years, the way i see Baba in every aspect of my life has changed my Approach towards such Phenomenon of Life.
This is Yet another one of Such numerous Visible citing of Sri Sai Baba that happened to me Yesterday.
On Wednesday, the 07th Nov 2012, I met with a Small Accident when i lost control of my bike & had to keep my foot all of a sudden to Balance myself. In this Due course of time, My left Leg got scraped with the cement Slab on the Foot Path as i missed my chance to control myself.
I finally ended up with severe Bruises on my left Leg above Ankle. It was Very Painful. After returning to Home & after taking the First Aid, I took a Snap of my Bruises out of Curiosity as I felt that it was yet Another Baba’s Leela. Indeed it was yet another Unbeleivable Baba’s Leela as I could make 2 Faces of Sai Baba on the Bruises which are Marked with a Box.
This is My Diwali 2012 Special Gift from Sri Sai Baba.
With Sai's Luv & Best Wishes.
Jai Sai Ram.
Photo Courtesy of this Snap: Raghav N. Sai Inc.
This Photo is Copy Righted & the Original Photo belongs to Raghav N, Sai Inc. Email: Water Marking & other Scripts are not to be removed while passing this Set of Miracle Snaps to Other Sai Devotees.
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