Today we are going to visit a very unique Sai Baba Mandir Installed in the Sit Out/ Verandah of a Sai Devotees Residence at 3 Lights Junction in Kakinada Town of Andhra Pradesh.
This special articles has been sent to us by our Beloved Sai Devotee Mrs. Padma Karunakaram who has been writing articles in Sai photo blog for the past one year or so & covering Sai Temples in Kakinada Town & East Godavari Dist.
This temple is popularly referred as 'Ananda Sai' & has been installed at one of the Sai Devotees home near to the Famous Subbaiah Hotel at 3 Lights Junction, Kakinada town.
The family members have been worshiping Sai Baba as their guru for over 15 years. A Statue of Sai Baba made of cement has been installed in the Sit Out along with small statue of Dattatreya and Ganeshji. People from the Surrounding area's gather to perform Sai Baba Aarthis & Special Puja's are performed on Thursday's & Sunday's & on festivals.
As the Statue is quite big, A Large Shawl/ Saree of 5 - 6 mtrs is used to dress up Sai Baba. Sai Devotees visit this temple & also celebrate their Birthday's & Wedding Anniversary's & feel peace of Mind. Sai Baba Looks very focused on his Devotees in this temple & one could feel his presence here.

Temple Address
Anand Sai Mandir
Near Subbaiah Hotel,
3 Lights Junction, Kakinada.
East Godavari Dist.
Andhra Pradesh.
Article: Raghav N
Data & Photo:
Mrs. Padma Karunakaram, Rajahmundry.