Today we are visiting yet another unique Sai Baba Sanctum installed at Satkalavahini in Kakinada, Andhrapradesh. Satkalavahini is a community Hall near Sarpavaram Junction in Kakinada Town. Sarpavaram is at a Distance of about 3kms from bus & Railway station.
People usually gather on weekends to attend different cultural programs in this Community Hall. Sai Baba's sanctum has been installed at the right side of the entrance of this community hall.
Famous singers like Sri M.Balamurali krishna, Sri S.P.Balasubrahmanyam & Famous Dancer Smt. Sobha Naidu have Performed during various programs conducted in this Hall.
A Cement Statue of Sai Baba of 5ft height in standing posture along with Marble Statue of 2ft height has been installed in the Sanctum.
All the Aarthis and Special Puja's on Thursdays, Sundays & on Festivals are performed here. Siddhardha nagar is just beside this hall where baba showed his presence by showering vibhudhi at a sai devotee's home.

Article: Raghav N
Data & Photo:
Mrs. Padma Karunakaram, Rajahmundry.