Today we are going to visit Sai Temple at Peddapuram in Kakinada Dist. Peddapuram village is about 20kms from Kakinada. Share Auto Ply between Kakinada & peddapuram & people use this as it is quite economical. State Transport run Buses towards Rajuhmundry also stop at this village.
There are 3 Sai Baba Temples in the village. The First being the Court Veedhi Sai Baba Mandiram.
This Temple is in a street near to MRO office or Court. Thus the Name Court Veedhi Sai Baba Mandiram.
Though the Statue of Sai Baba is made of clay, he looks very lively. Many miracles have taken place in this temple. Everybody in this locality believe that all their wishes get fulfilled as & when they pray for the same. Sai Devotees benefited by Sai Baba offer Garland made up of 100 Rupee notes. People perform Dhuni puja when ever they are in trouble & get instant solution to all their problems.
Though the temple is small, daily aarti's are performed to Sai Nath regularly. All the Important festivals connected to Sai Baba are performed with Sai Devotees from the Locality participating in all the events.

Article: Raghav N
Data & Photo:
Mrs. Padma Karunakaram, Rajahmundry.