On the internet is a widely circulated Sai Baba Fraud Picture that is claimed to be an authentic photograph of Shirdi Sai Baba. The Fake Sai Baba Picture in question is a recent photograph that was “antiqued” to make it look older than it actually is. A comparison of real Sai Baba pictures and the imposter Sai Baba picture is provided below.
Fraud - Fake Sai Baba Photograph
Fraud - Fake Sai Baba Photograph

It is very disconcerting that major Sai Baba websites carry this picture on their websites claiming it is an authentic picture of Shirdi Sai Baba. It isn’t. For those who love, adore and respect Shirdi Sai Baba, this article is intended to foster devotion.
Aum Sai Ram