Sai Baba's Punyathithi was celebrated at Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Mandir at Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Nagar in Tumkur on Wednesday, 24th Oct 2012. On all the 9 days of Navaratri, Special Puja to Sai Baba & Durga Devi were performed in the Temple.Various Alankars were performed to Sri Sai Baba on all the 9 Days of Navaratri.
On Sai Punyathithi / Vijaya Dasami Day Special Sheerabishek, Vastra Alankar & Pushpa Alankar was performed to Sri Shirdi Sai Baba. Special Flower Arrangement was performed on the Prabhavali behind the Simhasan.
In the Evening, Vishnu Sahasranamam & Sai Bhajans were performed till 6:15pm after which Dhoop Aarti was performed after keeping Naivaithya to Sri Sai Baba.
After the Completion of Dhoop Aarti, Prasad consisting of Tamarind Rice/ Puliyogra & Soan Papdi Sweet were distributed to Devotees gathered to the event.
Baba was well dressed for the day & Sai Baba's Newly installed Golden Simhasan & Silver Paduka at the sanctum were the main attraction of this event. I'm sharing a glimpse of the Baba's Decoration for the Sai Punyathithi Day 2012.
To see the Complete set of 11 Snaps of this Ceremony Visit:
To see the Complete set of 11 Snaps of this Ceremony Visit:
Slide Show of the Photo Album
Temple Address
Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Mandir Trust.
Shirdi Sai Baba Nagar,
Opp to TUDA Office,
Belagumba Road.
Tumkur - 572102.
Shirdi Sai Baba Nagar,
Opp to TUDA Office,
Belagumba Road.
Tumkur - 572102.
Article & Photo: Raghav N
Article & Photo: Raghav N