Sri Shirdi Sai Baba New Year 2012 Wallpapers.

Aum Sai Ram

We Wish all Our Sai Photo Blog Readers & Subscribers a
"Very Happy & Prosperous New Year 2012."
filled with Lots & Lots of Luv, Happiness,
Good Health, Success & Sufficient Wealth.

Thanks a Lot for being a Part of Our Sai Photo Blog Family.
We have completed Four Calender Years & are Very
Happy to Enter into the Fifth Year in 2012.

We have specially designed a Set of 12 Wallpapers of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba for all the Months of Year 2012. This years concept is to incorporate the Sai Baba's Temple snaps visited by me during my Pilgrimages to the Wallpapers.

Please feel free to Download the Wallpapers & Use the Same as your desktop Wallpapers. Also Kindly Share the Same with Family & Friends.

These Wallpapers have been Designed by Preeti Varma a Budding Digital Artist. Our Special Thanks & Baba's Blessings to Her.

With Sai's Luv & Best Wishes.
Om Sai Ram.

Raghav N.

To View & Download Full Set of 12 Wallpapers Visit:
New Year 2012 Wallpapers

[Click on the Snaps to view Full Screen Wallpapers]

January 2012.

Febraury 2012.

March 2012.

April 2012.

May 2012.

June 2012.

July 2012.

August 2012.

September 2012.

October 2012.

November 2012.

December 2012.

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