This is my Nineth Pilgrimage to Visit Temples of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba at Chennai. Sai Devotees can go through links placed in the Right Side Bar to view the list of temples visited by me under the Pilgrimage series. After Successfully completing my previous trip at Chennai between 20th - 23rd Sep 2011. I Started my Pilgrimage to Sai Baba temple at Chennai yet again on Monday, 10th Oct 2011.
This is the 1st temple visited by me during my 9th Pilgrimage to Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temples at Chennai on Monday, 10th Oct 2011.
Temples Visited During my 8th Pilgrimage at Chennai:
This temple of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba has been built on the Samadhi of Bhairavar(Dog) which stayed with the founder of this temple for 14yrs. This temple has been built at Bharath Nagar Main Road at Madipakkam.
When travelling from St. Thomas Mount towards Madipakkam on Medavakkam High Road, we pass through Karur Vysya Bank ATM, MEGAMART & Tata Towers on the left side & this temple is just opposite to the Tata Towers inside the Bharath Nagar Main Road. It is at a Distance of around 6kms from St. Thomas Mount suburban Railway Station.
A 3.5ft Marble Statue of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba has been installed above the Samadhi of Bhairavar(Dog). A Bronze Statue of Sri Sai Baba in Bhiksha is also installed inside the temple premises. Dwarakamai, Gurusthan, Dhuni, Statue's of Ganeshji, Hanuman, Lakshmi, Nagaraja have been installed in this temple.
Daily Aarti, Abhishek & Puja are performed in this temple. On Rama Navami, Guru Pournima & Sai Punyathithi Special Puja & utsav are performed in this temple.
Meditation Hall with a 5.5ft Statue of Sri Sai Baba made of Fibre is installed on the first floor & Devotees from all religion are encouraged to perform meditation at the Dhyan Mandir.
To See Complete Set of 43 Snaps of this Temple Visit:
Sri Sai Baba used to keep a number of dogs with Him at Shirdi. Sri Shridi Saidasan is a lover of dogs. He used to visit Shirdi and worship Sri Sai every year. He requested for a dog in his prayer to Sri Sai. In 1976 he bought a walking stick at Shirdi and its handle was in the shape of a dog. He prayed to Sri Sai Baba to give him a live dog not a wooden dog.
It was a wonder that a Muslim boy gave him a ten days old pup at his house. The newborn dog could not even open its eyes. This dog lived with Sri Saidasan for fourteen years. It refused to mate with dogs.
In 1988 Sri Sai Baba appeared in Saidasan's dream and informed him that the dog should not be left uncared for after its life span was over. He ordered Saidasan that a Samadhi should be built over the place where the dog was buried after its demise so that the spirit of the "Bhairavar"
will bless the devotees. Sri Baba informed Saidasan that His statue should be kept over the Samadhi.
In 1990 Bhairavar suffered from a serious illness and doctors who treated it were not sure that it would survive. At that time Sri Saidasan fervently prayed to Sri Baba for restoring the dog to normalcy and took it to the Sri Sai Baba temple at Mylapore. It was all a surprise. Effective medicines could not cure the dog. But by the grace of the Almighty Sri Sai Baba it lived for eighteen months. It attained siddhi on the 8th August, a Thursday, 1991. As ordered by Sri Sai Baba Saidasan donated his only house at Madippakam for the construction of the Bhairava Sai
This Mandir is in the shape of the Geetha UpadesaChariot and there are two horses in the sanctum of the temple. The horses are named Shyam and Sundar. The height of the temple is fifty-four feet from the ground level The tower of the temple has nine kalasams representing
nine planets. Ther is a beautiful meditation hall where people of all religions can practice meditation.
This is the only temple in the whole world Baba Bhairavar in the Sanadhi.

Speciality of the Bairavar Sai Temple:
As already state the temple which rises to is height of fifty-four feet has sacred Kalasams. The Kalasams are nine in number, denoting nine planets the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter Venus, Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Rahu and Kethu. A visit to the temple has the effect of warding off the evil effects of the nine Grahas. The temple has an Anjaneyar flag as in the Geetha Upadesa Ratha.
The ever-burning fire in this temple was first lit by the original fire brought from Shirdi Sai Sansthan. The perennial fire at Shirdi Sai Sansthan was lit by the Almighty Sri Sai Baba Himself.
The sitting posture of Sri Baba in the Dwarakamayi in this temple represents racial harmony. Before the construction of the temple there were two neem trees in the house-one is for Gurusthan and this is a male tree. Another tree which is now opposite to the Sannidhanam is a female-tree. This is the only temple for Sri Sai Baba with a Bhairavar Samadhi.
About Shirdi Saidasan, the founder of the temple:
Shirdi Sri Saidasan was born on 28.07.1933. He was about to be laid to rest by his parents as he had no movements. Luckily, an old Muslim nurse passed by his house and hearing a commotion and mournful noise came in. Seeing the child still she sensed that it was alive. She informed his grandmother that it was alive. Then she asked his parents to bring hot water in one tub and cold water in another tub. She dipped the child in the hot water first saying 'Allah, Allah' and then in the cold water. She did it twice or three times like this and the child breathed and began to live. There is a spiritual link between the lives of Shirdi Sri Sai Baba and Shirdi Saidasan. After growing up he became a staunch devotee of Sri Sai Baba. He has experienced many miracles in his life and even today Sri Sai Baba performs many miracles in his life. Books in Tamil and English on Shirdi Saidasan's spiritual experiences be available soon.
1. To start a free pet clinic
2. House for free schooling for poor children
3. Home for the aged
4. Free bhojan hall for poor people daily
5. A cultural school for teaching good behaviour
6. Yoga class
7. Music school for children
8. Veda class and community hall
9. Training School for vocation skills - Tailoring, Carpenting, Driving Etc.
Slide Show of the Photo Album
To See Complete Set of 43 Snaps of this Temple Visit:
Temple Address
Shri Bhairava Sai Temple
Sri sai kripa,
Plot No. 6, Door No. 6,
Bharath Nagar Main Road,
Opp. Tata Tower/ Megamart,
Medavakkam High Road,
Chennai-600 091.
Contact Details
Sri G Meenakshi Sundaram
Alias Sri Shirdi Saidasan - Temple Founder
Phone: +91 44 22476833
Mobile: +91 94451 51574
Email Id
Temple Timings
06:00 am - 12:00 noon/01:00pm(Thursdays)
04:30pm - 9:00 pm/ 10:00pm(Thursdays)
Aarti Timings
Kakad Aarti: 07:30 am.
Madhyan Aarti: 11:30 am/12:30pm.
Dhoop Aarti: 06:00 pm/ 05:30pm.
Shej Aarti: 08:30 pm.
Sai's Abhishekam
Shri Bhairava Sai Temple
Sri sai kripa,
Plot No. 6, Door No. 6,
Bharath Nagar Main Road,
Opp. Tata Tower/ Megamart,
Medavakkam High Road,
Chennai-600 091.
Contact Details
Sri G Meenakshi Sundaram
Alias Sri Shirdi Saidasan - Temple Founder
Phone: +91 44 22476833
Mobile: +91 94451 51574
Email Id
Temple Timings
06:00 am - 12:00 noon/01:00pm(Thursdays)
04:30pm - 9:00 pm/ 10:00pm(Thursdays)
Aarti Timings
Kakad Aarti: 07:30 am.
Madhyan Aarti: 11:30 am/12:30pm.
Dhoop Aarti: 06:00 pm/ 05:30pm.
Shej Aarti: 08:30 pm.
Sai's Abhishekam
Article & Photo: Raghav N
Article & Photo: Raghav N